Join our network of young people living with Duchenne.
So far we’ve run 4 programmes of online sessions, organised and facilitated by our project lead Ravi Mehta who lives with Duchenne himself. They run fornightly on Tuesday evening from 6-7, are free to join and you can drop in and out as much as you like. We’ve focused on different aspects of life with Duchenne and have had a mixture of expert speakers, lived experience and social sessions. We’ve been joined by Pathfinders Neuromuscular Alliance, Treloar College, The Money Charity, musicians Alex James and Sanjeev Mann. We also had a focus on well-being and mental health with sessions run by psychologist Dr Linda Bouquillon and our Support Officer Kelly, and looked at the transition to adult healthcare.
The ‘Yes I can’ sessions give you the opportunity to meet other young people living with Duchenne, to develop friendships, share experiences and to create a network of support for each other.
We are about to begin programme 5 of Yes I Can – here are the dates for your diary.