Who cares about toilets? 3.6 billion people do. Because they don’t have one.
Today, nearly half the world’s population live without a ‘safely managed sanitation service’: a toilet, not shared with other households, that either treats or disposes of human waste on site, stores it safely to be emptied and treated off-site, or connects to a functioning sewer.
Changing Places
Did you know that over a 1/4 million people in the UK need Changing Places Toilets to enable them to get out and about and enjoy the day-to-day activities which many of us take for granted. To use a toilet in safety and comfort, these people need to be able to access a CPT, which has more space and the right equipment, including a height adjustable changing bench, a peninsular toilet and a ceiling hoist.
The Changing Places campaign wants to see Changing Places Toilets installed in all public venues, so that everyone, regardless of their access needs or disability or reliance on the assistance of carers or specialist equipment, can use a toilet facility with dignity and hygienically!
We join Changing Places campaign in wanting to see Changing Places toilets installed in the following types of venues:
• City and Town centres
• Shopping centres
• Arts and Cultural venues, such as museums, galleries and theatres
• Hospitals
• Transport hubs such as train stations, airports and motorway service stations
• Leisure complexes
• Sports stadiums
• Arenas
• Entertainment venues, such as pubs & restaurants
• Attractions, such as theme parks and zoos
Changing places change lives
Of all the challenges that my almost 7 year old son Sebastian faces at this stage of his duel diagnosis of Duchenne muscular dystrophy and Autism, the fact that he is not yet continent is one of the biggest in practical, day-to-day terms. And this is not because of his lack of toileting ability but the lack of awareness, support and facilities. Toileting is an area that even within the world of disabilities is rarely talked about.
Lizzie Deeble, Lead Volunteer, Action Duchenne

Join the conversation
Join the global #WorldToiletDay conversation and show the world how much you care about toilets.
We can all play our part in the World Toilet Day campaign running up to and including 19 November 2021. Get involved on social media using #WorldToiletDay.