A great way to keep you connected to your friends and family during COVID-19.
Setting up your quiz
First you need to which platform you’ll use – Google Hangout, Zoom, House Party are just some suggestions – there’s lots to choose from!
It’s worth remembering that some have limits on the number of people or time you can spend online so please do check what you’re allowed before you sign up.
Once you have the link or password, send it out to everyone you want to invite with the date and time of your quiz.
Set an entry price – it could be a price per household or per person, or a voluntary donation – and let everyone know what the prize will be.
You could email a certificate, transfer a prize fund or play for pride!
Then pick your theme and write questions – we think this is the best bit!
Setting up the teams
Make sure everyone who’s playing has the app downloaded to their device. They might need a link or a password to get logged in.
Ask your teams to come up with a fun team name – bonus points could be up for grabs here!
Set up your JustGiving page within our special so you can ask for sponsorship for the event. We have a team page set up on JustGiving so your fundraising can contribute to the community total!
And you’re off
So that everyone can hear the quiz host and their are no distractions, mute all the teams during the quiz rounds.
Make a plan for if any of the teams need a question repeating.
All players should email their answers at the end of every round for you to mark and announce the winner!
Jazz it up
There are so many ways you can mix things up, how about taking it turns to host, pick a theme, maybe fancy dress?! Have forfeits for shouting out, distracting other players or generally not following the rules!
At the end of isolation you could host an awards ceremony – Best quiz night theme, funniest moment, most improved player, most disruptive player and so on…let your imaginations run wild!