We are looking forward to welcoming you to the online support and information event THIS Saturday 23 October from 14.00 – 18.00 (GMT).
This event is aimed at people who are new to the Duchenne community in the past few years. We’ll be giving a really good overview of Duchenne in a warm, welcoming and informative environment, before the in-depth conference on 13 and 14th November.
You are invited to attend both or either of the online events, whichever you prefer. Simply follow the link below. There is still time to invite your family, friends and team around you so they can benefit from the wealth of knowledge we will share at Saturday’s event. Please feel free to share the link, as everyone is welcome!
View and download the pre-conference event for Newly Diagnosed families LIVE agenda below.
What the platform offers
We are using brand new technology to create a more user-friendly and immersive experience for you;
- You will have the chance to meet new people during the breaks in The Meeting Place
- Watch and interact with each other and the Action Duchenne team throughout the event using the chat box facility
- Join us LIVE on the panel to ask your question by pressing the ‘Call Now’ button under the live stream window
Once you have registered, join in your web browser (we recommend Chrome or Firefox) by tapping the button below. You’ll be asked to enter your email address and create a password.

Live stream
You can watch the live stream via the On Now tab in the conference app.

Networking and The Meeting Place
- Use the profile chat button to connect with speakers and other attendees.
- Update your profile by clicking on your initials in the top right corner.
- Look out for the green dot next to someone’s name to know when they are online.
- Join group video calls in The Meeting Place by clicking on the link in the breaks.

Visit the companies showcasing their products and services during the event.

Need help?
If you have any questions or are experiencing any difficulties during the event, please email actionduchenne2021@conferencecare.com for support.
Please don’t forget to follow us on social media @ActionDuchenne and use hashtag #ADCONF21
We look forward to seeing you soon.
The Action Duchenne Team
About Action Duchenne
Action Duchenne has a very clear vision: a world where lives are no longer limited by Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
We have three core objectives and are proud to spend 87p in every £1 raised on our charitable activities:
- funding research
- world-class support
- cutting edge science education.
We are a focussed UK charity, delivering amazing, life-changing projects and you are a part of this, thank you all for your support.