Join us for the second half of Yes I Can Online

We are now half way through our 12 online sessions. So far we’ve heard from Alex James and Sanjeev Mann about accessing the music scene when you live with Duchenne, looked at ways of coping with anxiety with our support officer Kelly Molkenthin, found out about employment and internships and explored how to make the most of your educational journey with Treloar College. We’ve also had our very own Open Mic session with 3 of our young people sharing their skill and passions.
“Music has really helped me to live with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy… I create music for fun and to help others, with the aim of leaving behind a legacy that lasts for generations” – Alex James
The next 6 sessions will cover a wide range of topics. On Wednesday 31st May we will be joined by Dr Leksmi Desikan who will share her knowledge and experience about the transition from paediatric to adult care. Treloar College will join us for 2 sessions, accessible sport and accessible gaming and we will also share a session with the Pathfinders Neuromuscular Alliance. Dr Linda Bouquillon will talk to us about the importance of psychological support and then our final session will be a social evening celebrating the end of programme 2!
We would love you to join us.
Find out more about our Yes I Can programme here: