By Ashley Lawmon.
12 whole months ago we took our family and locked them away from the world thinking ‘ahh few months and we will be free again…’ and how wrong we were!
Here we are having missed a year of our family, school, cancelled holidays and so many missed day trips, BUT we are all still here healthy and still managing to smile.
Some days have been long, lonely and so very hard. At times we have cried and begged for it to end so we could enjoy our freedom again, but on more occasions than not we have played, smiled and LOVED our time together…
Yes, I missed my parents, friends and extended family, but wow I loved not having to share my kids with people (and the no school runs were a massive bonus!) i had them all here safe from germs, accidents and harm…
They say you can’t wrap them in cotton wool but this has been the closest thing to it and in a strange way I have loved every second of them being off school (I have learnt I am NOT A TEACHER and that I really like GIN!!!).

Dylan came into lockdown struggling with his mental health, scared of failing and hating school. These feelings were heightened during lockdown when he lost contact with friends and didn’t see his family away from us, we worked hard on the way he was feeling spending time writing down his fears and emotions and I promised him I would help him work through these and see that life in a chair or being a little different really wasn’t anything to fear and something to celebrate instead.
He is now nearly a full time wheelchair user outside the house and seems to be thriving full of confidence with his new wheels (Will explain that situation another time, but I think we all know the struggle!)
We learn a new way of life a sometimes very scary way the constant worry and fear that the ‘little germ’ will find its way into our home. I suppose the answer to my question is we made it here with team work.