Since the start of 2015, Action Duchenne campaigned tirelessly for Translarna (ataluren) to be made available, exerting maximum external pressure upon NHS England, the National Institute of Health & Care Excellence, and the Scottish Medicines Consortium whilst working within their evaluation processes.
Thanks to the campaigning and work by Action Duchenne and the community, this treatment is now available
Campaign articles
- Access to Medicines and the Campaign for Translarna (Ataluren) timeline
- The fight for Translarna goes on – Action Duchenne in parliamentary session
- The impact of Translarna on our son and our family
- PM replies to parents and patients on Translarna
- Press release: First ever treatment for rare muscle wasting condition, Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, given conditional approval by the European Commission
- Action Duchenne working with Scottish Family to get Translarna approved by SMC